Friday, May 13, 2011

The Vampire Diaries - As I Lay Dying (Season Finale)

First, I'd like to start by saying, yes, I do watch the Vampire Diaries. It is 1 billion times better than anything Twilight can do and the characters actually have personalities. 

I found this finale to be stupid. The entire season was going too well for it to end on such a letdown. First of all, only a complete idiot would think that Damon was actually at risk of dying. So there was absolutely no suspense from that. He didn't do anything except sweat and hallucinate about the good ol' days. You would think he would go on a killing spree or something. But no. He was 50% of the time locked in some dungeon and the other 50% looking for Elena. 

So, how did he get saved? Stephan and Bonnie looked for a cure and vaguely discovered that Klaus (who had been saved from death by brother-Elijah and, in return, "killed" him) was connected to the cure. Of course. It wasn't until later when Stephan searched for Klaus that we find out that his blood can cure werewolf bites. Of course. Stephan had to trade himself (I guess he'll be a partner or something to Klaus; Klaus made him drink human blood and he turned all vampiry), in order to save Damon. Klaus let Katherine free, hoping she wouldn't deliver the cure to Damon. But she did. And this is where I found the biggest, most obvious mistake. 

In the laws of vampirism, a vamp cannot enter a house with an owner unless invited by said owner. Now that the Salvatore's gave their mansion to Elena and she became the owner, she decides which vampires can come in and which can't. I do not recall her inviting Katherine into the house, but somehow, she was able to walk into Damon and Elena kissing in bed. Stupid people.

Touching on that kiss, I do not care who Elena kisses. She probably thought he was gonna die, so why not make Damon happy for once? Katherine being Katherine did not give a crap, and simply informed the two that Stephan was Klaus' now (Klaus is homo for Stephan) but that at least they had each other. As she tells Elena that it's OK to love both Salvatore brothers since she did once, she disappears, probably not forever cuz Katherine is just makes the show more fun. On the last note on the whole Stephan thing, we last see him attack (kill?) some random girl, proving that he has transformed himself into a "real" vampire (but he may just be fooling Klaus). 

Besides this, Caroline's mommy, the Sheriff, is tracking down Damon and the other vampires, and accidentally shoots Jeremy. I was pissed for a while there, cuz after Caroline's blood failed to heal him, I was thinking that these bastards were planning on killing him off, too. As if Jenna wasn't enough. But, of course, Bonnie knew what to do (how she gained the complete knowledge of everything in such a short time is unknown to me) so she asked for the dead witches' help to save him. At first, them witches did not want to since Bonnie was "misusing her powers" or whatever, but after she confessed her love for Jeremy, they did. So he's alive and well. Good. Unfortunately, or maybe not, Jeremy is starting to see the ghosts of his past two dead girlfriends, Anna and Vicki. Does he have Ghost Whisperer-powers now that he has been brought back from the dead? Most likely, since that's bound to happen.

So that was it. Nothing really "WOW, I wonder what happens next," besides the whole Jeremy thing. I personally don't care what happens to Stephan cuz him staying evil is as likely as Damon dying. What I do want to see is Alaric adopting Elena and Jeremy, since Jenna being there last living relative, they have nowhere else to go. Which brings us to my next issue in this episode. Elena and Jeremy are basically orphans, yet they are living in their house like nothing and no one does anything about it. Don't Child Services have a job to do in this case? Was Jenna's death unreported? Anyways, it's clear that Alaric will become their new guardian (on a side note, we see Alaric sleeping on the couch when Jenna's old room is like right there, with a bed...Don't say it's an emotional factor cuz her funeral was as emotional as Kristen Stewart). Other than that, there was no Tyler or Matt. I don't care much for Matt, since he is irrelevant, but Tyler just came back after being absent for quite a while, and we get nothing again. Maybe next season.

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