Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Character Chat: Glee

Let's start with Rachel Berry. This girl can be annoying, but that is what makes her such a good character, in my opinion. She's not perfect, and acknowledges that her attitude is both her strongest trait, and her weakness. However, what I do hate about Rachel is that she sings way too much. What I men by this is that she simply gets way more solos than anyone else. Sure, she has an amazing voice, but I would like to heat someone else for a change. Season 2 has been generous in giving some of the other characters more spotlight, and I appreciate that. Furthermore, I hate the whinny sounds she makes when she sings. It's not really whinny, but you know what I mean. That extra moan at the end of every syllable. The last thing I'll say about her is that her obsession with Finn is getting a bit too much. She needs to forget about him. He simply is not that into Rachel, yet, because I'm sure that sooner or later, the show is gonna make Finn into Rachel's perfect boyfriend.

Next is Finn, because I already talked about him above. This douche is getting more and more annoying by the episode. First of all, he's a hypocrite with the whole cheating thing. If he got so butt-hurt when Quinn and Rachel cheated on him, why would he convince Quinn to do the same to Sam, WITH HIM? And he had the nerve to say that he wouldn't be surprised that Sam would try to steal his GF after he did the same first. At first, I liked Finn for being ehh stupid and gullible. But now, he's just a douche. A stupid douche.

Quinn. She is beautiful! I like Quinn because she's one of those girls who knows she is a bitch and gets surprised when things turn out bad for them. It's called karma, you dumb blond! She also tends to never learn anything. How many times has she supposedly learned that her fame in High School is really irrelevant? That true friends are what will help her in the future? Other than that, I love Diana's voice. Not as strong as the other girls, but very sweet and angelic. And the whole Lucy Caboosy nonsense: that picture was so fake, i felt insulted. I'll leave Quinn alone by hoping she wins Prom Queen Senior Year, but she has to stop being a little bitch.

Mercedes! She lacks. She lacks a story, a true insight on her personality, solos, and romance (Mercedes + Sam in the future? Fingers crossed). There's not much I can say about her, which is exactly the problem. I can say that her diva-episode was pointless. I thought she was supposed to be the diva from the beginning, but she just seems to be the kind of person to get really angry at the smallest thing. A really underused character.

Artie. I hate Artie. He's awkward to look at, and, I don't care if it sounds mean, but his wannabe-cool is just not right. And he needs to stop obsessing over having a girlfriend. Teenagers -.-.

Puck. I like Puck. Didn't care too much about his bullying, but I think he is relatively a nice guy. Out of all the other characters, he's the only one who has had an obvious change of heart. He is more honest than before, both to others and himself, and I really like his voice. I really like his relationship with Rachel, even if they seldom show it. I can see that they're have a brother-sister type of relationship, and him defending Rachel from Santana that one time was really sweet. And even though his relationship with Lauren is impossible, it's still sweet. Even if he is "whipped."

Kurt. Emmm, I don't neither hate nor like Kurt. He can both piss me off at times, and entertain me at other times. His flamboyant nature is annoying, and I really prefer skipping through his high-pitched songs, but other than that, he's OK. I wish he'd leave Dave alone. I think he should realize that as hard as it's been for him to be open, it will be much  worse for Dave, considering his reputation. On second thought, Kurt's also a bit controlling and has that "I have to be right always" trait that's just no. He's a good friend, I guess....

Santana. I love Santana. She is almost always a bitch, but she's hilarious. Like Quinn, she gets surprised when she finds out people don't like her, and that's just funny to me. Her lesbian story line, I don't like it. I think she and Britt had a good friendship, and they ruined it with love. She has an amazing voice, and she's ghetto. Who doesn't like ghetto? I wished she would do some Spanish songs in the future. If the actress can even sing in Spanish...

Britt. I say Britt is one of those characters who are meant to be funny, and actually are. A lot of shows try to have that "dumb blond" character, but overdo it to the point that it just doesn't work. Britt does work, however. Lover her one-liners. Don't care so much about her singing, but I do like her dancing.

Tina. I almost forgot Tina, and that in itself is the problem. She has 0 story, besides that her stutter back in Season 1. I didn't even know she was supposed to be goth until the Gaga episode where they made a big deal of it. And if you're saying "she's not  goth" then I rest my case. She's one of the Season 1 main characters who have been overshadowed by the newcomers like Sam and Blaine. Her relationship with Other-Asian is cute though. She needs more solos, too.

Mark. He is Asian. How many times have they made that clear on Glee? I don't get how he can't sing. It's Glee. Sing, or get out! But he's alright in general. No complaints other than his lack of relevance, as so many other characters.

Sam. At first, Sam was "meh" to me. Not very interesting, besides how they made him a loser when it came to girls. But then they made him poor. And that's when he became a favorite. The Beaber fiasco was horrible, but other than that, he's doing alright. I do hope they make him pair up with Mercedes. That would be cute. And I seriously cannot see what the big deal is with his lips/mouth. They look fine to me. I do wish he would've NOT forgiven Finn and Co. for the way they accused him of cheating so easily.

Blaine. I must say, very appealing. The only problem I have with him isn't really about him, but on how many schools are piled on that small town? There are like 10 already! Back to Blaine, he's nice, has an awesome voice, his dancing is hilarious, and he works that prep-school look. I would like them to make him singing better songs though. "Somewhere Only We Know" has been the only one that's really caught my attention. They better have Blaine transfer. He's too good to let go of XD

Will has a butt chin. But that's irrelevant. He has also become a fading character. Besides his scenes with Emma and Sue, there's not much to Will anymore. They need to do more teacher-stuff with him and the kids.

Emma has very big eyes. I love her. She's so naive and innocent. I hate how she barely comes out anymore, though. And she needs to sing a lot more. She needs to do a lot more more.

Sue. Who doesn't like Sue? She's both the best, comedic villain and can be the sweetest person. Sue also needs to sing more, but I understand why she doesn't, considering she want to bring down Glee Club. I do feel sorry for her. Nothing's been going right for her =( lol

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