Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glee - New York

What I Liked:

Emmm, so little to choose from. I liked Puck's hug with Will. That was adorable. I found it so believable for the "bad boy" to be the first one to get huggy with their favorite teacher.

The Cup Song deserves a Grammy!!!!

I also liked Santana's Spanish outburst. It's how it's done. When we Latinos get pissed, you know we're gonna yell at you in Spanish XD Still, I did not understand much of what she was saying. All I heard was "Cosas malas" at the end o.O

I liked the Mercedes + Sam scene at the end. Knew it!

I know I expressed much hatred towards Finn, but I don't know if it's the empathy working, but I can't help but instantly like a person who's in a bad place. Like Sam and his poor thing, Finn hiding at the library made me like him a lot more. Sure, the writers ruined the moment in two seconds, but it was enough to bring Finn back to my good side. I still do not approve of Finn + Rachel, but oh well.

I laughed every time Kurt came on, because his hair looked ridiculous. It might seem like a bad thing, because I hated his hair, but it entertained me at least, something this episode lacked to do the majority of  the time.

Which brings us to...

Things I Didn't Like:

Where to begin. Well, let's start with the bridge between this episode and last week's episode. I saw a bit of a hanger when Quinn told Finn that she wasn't  quitting Glee Club cuz she had plans for NY. I thought she was gonna go crazy in NY. And then they had that whole "Quinn's getting a haircut" uproar prior to the airing of this episode, and it was totally badly maneuvered. First of all, it wasn't even her idea. It was Santana's. Apparently, haircuts make the world a better place. And NO ONE reacted to her new hair-do!!! Even if she did look awesome with it

Let's just say this episode was guilty of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!

Will's whole "Broadway vs. Glee Club" issue was resolved in like under a minute. I liked his song, but that whole thing was just exaggerated in the promos. April did not appear! I don't know if we were supposed to believe that Will performed in her Broadway show already, or what. Poorly executed.

Also, spoilers said  that someone was gonna be late to the performance, that didn't happen. They also said that Emma and Will's relationship would blossom, and all we got from them was walking together for 2 seconds. Santana and Brittany were left of as Best Friends, as if we didn't already know that. Blaine did appear, but all he did was tell Kurt he loved him in the most casual form ever.

The third group, the all-girl school who sang "Yeah?" There presence was irrelevant to the 100th power! It would have made more sense if there were only 3 groups competing, but there were over 10! And besides, none of those girls looked like they were in HS...

Sunshine and Jesse need to never appear. Sunshine is cute and all, but I cannot take her seriously for some reason. When Rachel hugged her, all I kept thinking was "Rachel, KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!" And Jesse? Well, need I say more than BALLS TO YOU! Sunshine's song was not that great either.

Finn and Rachel's date was alright. What bugged me was the "Bella Notte" scene. Were the other guys supposed to be invisible, or were Finn and Rachel ignoring them? If it was the latter, then hilarious. If it was the former, lame.

ND placing in 12th place was bull. I saw nothing wrong with the kiss besides the over-dramatic pause. That I could have done without. But I'm glad Jesse saw it. I just hated that he had a  reason to boast and be a bigger prick than before >:[

Overall, not impressed with this finale. Out of all the songs, I liked 2, the New York mash-up and "Light Up the World." I think the quality of the episode was affected by timing, irrelevant scenes/characters/performances, and LYING!

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