Friday, May 13, 2011

America's Next Top Model - Goodbye Hannah

yes i watch this, too. goodbye.

Now, since both Jaclyn and Kasia left, I do not care who wins as long as it's not MOLLY! That betch is super mega ultra annoying, it's not even funny. People kept saying Alexandria was a bitch and fake and blah blah blah. I honestly did not see anything wrong with the poor girl besides the fact that she was controlling and anal (retentive). But Molly, she is just stupid. I do not like her face, I cannot for the life of me see what these crazy people see in her pictures, cuz I just see her with the same ol' constipated face and that is not attractive at all. And her personality is even more of a turn-off. She complains the EFF out of me. AND HER FACE!

Anyways, this episode, there's only three left: Brittni, Hannah, and the betch. I like Hannah, but I don't think she's model material. She's just too innocent looking. Brittni complains a lot, too. And cries. But she is better than Molly in both modeling and personality-wise (besides her tantrum that one time).

This time, the models had to do some interviews. Not sure why or what that has to do with modeling, but everyone basically did bad...EXCEPT EFFING MOLLY. OF COURSE! They had to go around the town and find someone who spoke English to interview about some random things. Brittni had trouble spoking (intentional) as did Hannah. Hannah even got cut off cuz of her constant umming. BUT MOLLY'S ONLY MISTAKE WAS WHINING ONCE SHE WAS "FINISHED!" But she still won the challenge, and that is bull.

The photo shoot dealt with a male model. Each model had to make up a narrative and shoot based on that story. Molly did horribly because she was ignoring the guy, but of course turned things around by showing off her disgusting face. Hannah was doing OK, better than Molly. And Brittni started crying, but that emotion worked in her favor. But of course, she got criticized for crying under pressure again.

In judging, Hannah was criticized for showing her foot badly (-__-) but Molly's foot was "fabulous." Brittni just got the whole crying thing. In the end, MOLLY GOT BEST PHOTO (-________-) and Hannah went home for inconsistency. So now it's up to Brittni to KICK THAT BETCHES ASS AND WIN, OR SO HELP ME!!!!

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