Saturday, May 14, 2011

Goodbye Smallville DK

Yep. It's over. After 10 years, Smallville ends and may I say it was an acceptable ending, besides the fact that it was an ending :(

So, the episode(s) start off with Chloe reading a Superman comic to a little boy (obviously her son). Flashback 7 years earlier, we're in the present and some giant boiling planet-thing is heading towards Earth. Meanwhile, Clark and Lois are arguing about cancelling their wedding. Again, Lois feels that she will get in Clark's way and prevent him from saving someone in need if they get married, but Clark insists that she is a part of his future, and if she still wants to cancel the wedding, she'll have to stand him up.

Fortunately, Chloe manages to convince Lois to get married by having her read Clark's vows. Realizing the huge mistake she was about to commit, she leaves to get ready for her wedding. yay!

However, after meeting with his mom and visiting his dad's grave, Clark starts to believe that Lois may be right and that he should forget everything and everyone in order to become the hero he is meant to be. I never get how people come up with such ideas. And I thought it was funny how Martha came back with a WTF when she realized Clark sold their old home. Now, Clark thought that she had given him the deed to the house so that he could sell it and start a new life with Lois in Metropolis. But he was wrong. And she made that very clear. But in the end, she didn't have a choice. But she did try to advise Clark that he does not need to forget everything and everyone he had met in Smallville in order to fulfill his DESTINY! But Clark is just too stubborn sometimes to listen.

At the graveyard, he starts talking to his dad's grave, while Johnathon's "ghost" or whatnot talks back, but Clark can't see him. Oliver shows up to comfort Clark, but when has Oliver ever been able to convince anyone of anything? And concerning Oliver, he is now under the control of them bad people, but I guess he doesn't actually remember the things he does while under their control since he acts normally when talking to other people. It may be fake, but it doesn't look like it.

Anyways, Clark goes to find Lois, surprised to find that she has changed her mind and will now marry him as planned. Clark tries to tell Lois that she might have been right, but before he gets to, Lois has him read her vows since she read his, and during an awesome scene that includes rotation and a narrative of Lois' vows, Clark and Lois' wedding is officially back on. And I love how Lois had all these corrections on her vows.

Before I forget the one other relevant person, Tess is visited by that Creepy Old Lady (who is awesomely evil) who tells Tess that she wants to save her from the "Apokolips." Since everyone thought that the apocalypse was going to be some really bad event, it was surprising to discover that what everyone really meant was a planet called "Apokolips," which was the fiery planet heading towards the Earth. After finding out that Oliver had blocked Watchtower, Tess tries to warn Clark about the incoming planet, but she is stopped and abducted by Lionel's men. Lionel takes Tess to some lab and informs her that Lex had used the good parts of all the clones he made to fix himself up. However, Lex still needs a working heart, so of course Tess must be the donor. However, she manages to free herself, shooting Lionel in the chest. Good for her! The only person who killed that dude the first moment she had the chance. However, the Darkseid thing arrives, takes Lionel's heart (apparently to give it to Lex) and takes over Lionel's body.

Meanwhile, at the wedding. Beautiful scene with a beautiful song. Must find it! Anyways, because them bad people gave Oliver this Gold K wedding ring (which looks pretty obviously bad) to take Clark's powers away permanently, Chloe had to stop the wedding before Clark put on the ring. So, yeah, Lois and Clark did not get officially married. Clark and Oliver fight for a while, but after Clark tells Oliver that he believes in him and knows he will make the right choice, Oliver is freed from Darkseid's control. But they can't be happy for long, as Apokolips starts to block the sun and create this really cool eclipse-like sky.

At the Kent farm, Chloe decides to go to her office back where she now lives. Not sure why. I thought she was going to call in the other heroes for help or something, but she really doesn't do anything and doesn't appear again until the very end of the episode. Clark finally sees Johnathan's spirit and follows him to the barn, where he tells Clark that he and Martha have done everything they could do, so it was up to Jor-El to tell Clark what to do next. Martha appears to tell Clark that he is the miracle the world needs, so Clark leaves to do something. I thought he was going straight to Jor-El, but ends up trying to look for Tess first. By the way, Martha and Johnathan looked to epic in this scene. I don't know why, but they just did. Love them.

Clark actually ends up at the Daily Planet again with Lois. They are trying to look for Tess since they think she might know more about what's happening after finding her many messages. Before heading off to look for her, Clark and Lois kiss again. Lois tries to convince some random reporter lady to tell the President to stop his plan of firing nuclear bombs at the "asteroid" since it isn't an asteroid and the impact will wipe out 1/3 of the world's population. How does Lois know this? Raised as a military brat, she read between the lines of some radio broadcast from the government. Anyways, Lois knocks out this lady since she wouldn't listen and decides to go undercover, boarding some plane with important government people in it.

MEANWHILE, Clark ends up at the destroyed Luthor Mansion, where he finds DUN! Lex. I really liked this scene because Lex wasn't that evil. In fact, he actually encourages Clark, telling him that he is the light that is supposed to stop the Apokolips. Other than that, Lex also tells Clark that they will both become great men, only on different sides, and that their story has yet to be written. Clark apologizes to Lex for not being able to save him and leaves.

Tess finds Lex at the LuthorCorp office, where she confronts him, asking if he knew they were related. He admits that he did know all along (if you're confused, Tess had been working for Lex for many years now. After Lex disappeared, she became in charge of all of his things. Later, she found out that she was Lionel's daughter and Lex's sister, but by then, she was helping Clark). Tess confessed to Lex that all she ever wanted was redemption, but knew she couldn't have it. Lex calls her in for a hug and tells her he loves her. AWWW. And then he stabs her. AWWW. Before she dies, Lex tells her he is saving her from becoming like him. Tess, however, tells him that Clark already beat him to it, and smears some poison on his face that is supposed to wipe out Lex's entire memory. Tess dies (BOOO!) and we see a short rewind of Lex's memories being erased.

Oliver goes back to Watchtower, and after finding the three bad peoples, he simply shoots them with his arrows and they disappear. Now that was not good. Of that was all it took, why didn't they do it sooner? A more intense fight scene would have been better, but noooo. And where are the other heroes? Oh well.

Clark arrives at his barn again to find some crystal in order to talk to Jor-El. He is stopped by Darkseid (in Lionel's body) and after Darkseid throws Clark, Jor-El manages to talk to Clark at that exact moment. He shows Clark all of these images of his past "trials" (a really cool scene that shows a lot of Clark's past super moments). After that, Clark finds himself able to fly, and runs straight through Darkseid, apparently killing him. So, yeah, Clark finally flies.

Back to Lois, she tries to convince the government people that firing nuclear bombs at the planet will kill millions of people as well. However, they already know that, but the government being the government, they are willing to sacrifice 1/3 of the world in order to save 2/3 of it. Lois then tries to convince them to give the heroes a chance. They agree, but are only willing to wait 5 MINUTES!

Back to Clark, he finally reaches the Fortress, where Johnathan and Jor-El both tell him to never forget his time in Smallville. "Hold on to Smallville." Johnathan gives Clark the Superman suits, and as he flies away, we see that he has finally put it on. HOWEVER, it was obvious that Tom Welling was not wearing the suit, since the suit itself looked CGI, so they just put his head on the suit. LAME!

Anyways, Clark flies around, saves the plane Lois is on, and manages to push Apokolips out of the way and save the world. As Clark looks down on Earth from space, we return to Chloe and her son, who have just finished reading the comic book.

Chloe leaves the lil kid in bed, and receives a call from Lois, who thanks her for some blue ribbon. At the Daily Planet, Lois tries to talk to Perry White, now working at the Daily Planet, but is stopped by Jimmy Olsen (played by the same actor. If this confuses you, after the first Jimmy dies, we find out that he had a younger brother who was also named Jimmy. So this second Jimmy is actually the first Jimmy's brother, who will be the Jimmy from the Superman world.) We also learn that Lex has become President of the U.S., and the year is 2018. Later, Clark, looking and acting like the Clark from the movies/comics/whatever, bumps into Lois. He shows her the wedding rings (so they still haven't gotten married, but will). After Lois asks him if he's ready, he replies that he's been ready for 7 years. Some random guy shows up screaming that there's a bomb in some elevator, so Lois sends Clark off to save the day. The final scene shows Clark on the roof, changing into his Superman suit, and flies off.


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