Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glee - New York

What I Liked:

Emmm, so little to choose from. I liked Puck's hug with Will. That was adorable. I found it so believable for the "bad boy" to be the first one to get huggy with their favorite teacher.

The Cup Song deserves a Grammy!!!!

I also liked Santana's Spanish outburst. It's how it's done. When we Latinos get pissed, you know we're gonna yell at you in Spanish XD Still, I did not understand much of what she was saying. All I heard was "Cosas malas" at the end o.O

I liked the Mercedes + Sam scene at the end. Knew it!

I know I expressed much hatred towards Finn, but I don't know if it's the empathy working, but I can't help but instantly like a person who's in a bad place. Like Sam and his poor thing, Finn hiding at the library made me like him a lot more. Sure, the writers ruined the moment in two seconds, but it was enough to bring Finn back to my good side. I still do not approve of Finn + Rachel, but oh well.

I laughed every time Kurt came on, because his hair looked ridiculous. It might seem like a bad thing, because I hated his hair, but it entertained me at least, something this episode lacked to do the majority of  the time.

Which brings us to...

Things I Didn't Like:

Where to begin. Well, let's start with the bridge between this episode and last week's episode. I saw a bit of a hanger when Quinn told Finn that she wasn't  quitting Glee Club cuz she had plans for NY. I thought she was gonna go crazy in NY. And then they had that whole "Quinn's getting a haircut" uproar prior to the airing of this episode, and it was totally badly maneuvered. First of all, it wasn't even her idea. It was Santana's. Apparently, haircuts make the world a better place. And NO ONE reacted to her new hair-do!!! Even if she did look awesome with it

Let's just say this episode was guilty of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!

Will's whole "Broadway vs. Glee Club" issue was resolved in like under a minute. I liked his song, but that whole thing was just exaggerated in the promos. April did not appear! I don't know if we were supposed to believe that Will performed in her Broadway show already, or what. Poorly executed.

Also, spoilers said  that someone was gonna be late to the performance, that didn't happen. They also said that Emma and Will's relationship would blossom, and all we got from them was walking together for 2 seconds. Santana and Brittany were left of as Best Friends, as if we didn't already know that. Blaine did appear, but all he did was tell Kurt he loved him in the most casual form ever.

The third group, the all-girl school who sang "Yeah?" There presence was irrelevant to the 100th power! It would have made more sense if there were only 3 groups competing, but there were over 10! And besides, none of those girls looked like they were in HS...

Sunshine and Jesse need to never appear. Sunshine is cute and all, but I cannot take her seriously for some reason. When Rachel hugged her, all I kept thinking was "Rachel, KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!" And Jesse? Well, need I say more than BALLS TO YOU! Sunshine's song was not that great either.

Finn and Rachel's date was alright. What bugged me was the "Bella Notte" scene. Were the other guys supposed to be invisible, or were Finn and Rachel ignoring them? If it was the latter, then hilarious. If it was the former, lame.

ND placing in 12th place was bull. I saw nothing wrong with the kiss besides the over-dramatic pause. That I could have done without. But I'm glad Jesse saw it. I just hated that he had a  reason to boast and be a bigger prick than before >:[

Overall, not impressed with this finale. Out of all the songs, I liked 2, the New York mash-up and "Light Up the World." I think the quality of the episode was affected by timing, irrelevant scenes/characters/performances, and LYING!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Glee - Funeral

I'll start things off by saying that I really want to give Sue a hug :( Even though I knew the funeral was meant for Jean since it was announced that someone was going to die, it was still very sad and the entire thing was unexpected. From Sue stating that she only accepted the Glee Club's help because she was afraid no one would attend her sister's funeral, to her wishing Will "Good Luck," it was all just amazingly beautiful. I still want to see the Will-Sue rivalry, but just because they're rivals does not mean they have to be enemies, right? They can obviously be really good friends. I'm afraid that the whole "I almost sent you to Lybia" will make Will angry at Sue again, and if that's so, he can go * himself.

I don't get why ppl are making such a big deal about Will participating in April's show. He keeps telling everyone it'll only be for the Summer, and obviously it's true. Also, I never noticed he was obsessed with vests o.O I started laughing when Emma showed up wearing one of his vests, the one he knew he wore the first time he met her. I don't know why I did.

Terry came back with her Asian guy AKA "Panda Express" but she did more good than evil for once. She managed to get Glee first-class tickets to NY after changing their previous flight arrangements. She is also apparently moving to Miami. Although I love Jessalyn, I have to say good riddance to Terri. She was irrelevant. But I'm glad she and Will made peace, even if it was clearly obvious she will never let go of Will. Oh well.

Back to Jean's funeral, "Pure Imagination" was one of the best parts of the original Willy Wonka movie. The funeral itself was beautiful, but I wish Will didn't go up to speak in Sue's place. I say it took some of the  emotion away, even though everyone was seen crying at the end of the eulogy.

I also felt incredibly sorry for Becky. I was sure Will would give her some lame job in the Glee Club to keep her from actually performing, but I didn't actually think he would reject her. I just wanted to hug her, too. But I'm glad everything worked out between her and Sue, even if I don't see how Becky as captain of the Cheerios will quite work... 

Besides the beauty of Jean's death, the episode had to have it's crappy parts. And the king of screwing things up is obviously Jesse St. Douche. I swear, the Glee kids are as gullible and stupid as 2 Brittany's. If someone broke an egg on my head, I would not start singing with them the minute they come back, or go to prom with them, or be happy with them in general. Rachel pisses me off. She just seems desperate for love, and that to me is just sad. Santana, Mercedes and Kurt should have stoned him to death! And as much as I'm hating Finn, I prefer him over Jesse 100% percent, and the way he ridiculed him in front of everyone was just effed up. Jesse needs to leave right quick! He's stupid, I don't know how he got into UCLA, but I'm glad he dropped out, he's a jerk, and not that great of a performer or looker, despite what OTHER people may think.

Finn and Quinn broke up. Big Whoop. And, what the heck happened to the whole "We need to quit Glee Club" scene go? I was so confused when Finn told Quinn he was glad she didn't quit at the end of the episode. I was like "WHAT!?" Quinn needs to grow up, too. I did not understand the whole scene in Finn's truck. He broke up with her, she refused to accept it, he accused of her not "feeling anymore," and then she left. Ok? But I'm glad Quinn-Finn is over. I loved how she said at the end of the ep that she still had plans for NY. It had an evil tone to it. I know I'll hate whatever it is she'll do, but I can't help but feel excited to find out what it is.

I'll end by saying once more that Jesse needs to just go away and never return.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Character Chat: Glee

Let's start with Rachel Berry. This girl can be annoying, but that is what makes her such a good character, in my opinion. She's not perfect, and acknowledges that her attitude is both her strongest trait, and her weakness. However, what I do hate about Rachel is that she sings way too much. What I men by this is that she simply gets way more solos than anyone else. Sure, she has an amazing voice, but I would like to heat someone else for a change. Season 2 has been generous in giving some of the other characters more spotlight, and I appreciate that. Furthermore, I hate the whinny sounds she makes when she sings. It's not really whinny, but you know what I mean. That extra moan at the end of every syllable. The last thing I'll say about her is that her obsession with Finn is getting a bit too much. She needs to forget about him. He simply is not that into Rachel, yet, because I'm sure that sooner or later, the show is gonna make Finn into Rachel's perfect boyfriend.

Next is Finn, because I already talked about him above. This douche is getting more and more annoying by the episode. First of all, he's a hypocrite with the whole cheating thing. If he got so butt-hurt when Quinn and Rachel cheated on him, why would he convince Quinn to do the same to Sam, WITH HIM? And he had the nerve to say that he wouldn't be surprised that Sam would try to steal his GF after he did the same first. At first, I liked Finn for being ehh stupid and gullible. But now, he's just a douche. A stupid douche.

Quinn. She is beautiful! I like Quinn because she's one of those girls who knows she is a bitch and gets surprised when things turn out bad for them. It's called karma, you dumb blond! She also tends to never learn anything. How many times has she supposedly learned that her fame in High School is really irrelevant? That true friends are what will help her in the future? Other than that, I love Diana's voice. Not as strong as the other girls, but very sweet and angelic. And the whole Lucy Caboosy nonsense: that picture was so fake, i felt insulted. I'll leave Quinn alone by hoping she wins Prom Queen Senior Year, but she has to stop being a little bitch.

Mercedes! She lacks. She lacks a story, a true insight on her personality, solos, and romance (Mercedes + Sam in the future? Fingers crossed). There's not much I can say about her, which is exactly the problem. I can say that her diva-episode was pointless. I thought she was supposed to be the diva from the beginning, but she just seems to be the kind of person to get really angry at the smallest thing. A really underused character.

Artie. I hate Artie. He's awkward to look at, and, I don't care if it sounds mean, but his wannabe-cool is just not right. And he needs to stop obsessing over having a girlfriend. Teenagers -.-.

Puck. I like Puck. Didn't care too much about his bullying, but I think he is relatively a nice guy. Out of all the other characters, he's the only one who has had an obvious change of heart. He is more honest than before, both to others and himself, and I really like his voice. I really like his relationship with Rachel, even if they seldom show it. I can see that they're have a brother-sister type of relationship, and him defending Rachel from Santana that one time was really sweet. And even though his relationship with Lauren is impossible, it's still sweet. Even if he is "whipped."

Kurt. Emmm, I don't neither hate nor like Kurt. He can both piss me off at times, and entertain me at other times. His flamboyant nature is annoying, and I really prefer skipping through his high-pitched songs, but other than that, he's OK. I wish he'd leave Dave alone. I think he should realize that as hard as it's been for him to be open, it will be much  worse for Dave, considering his reputation. On second thought, Kurt's also a bit controlling and has that "I have to be right always" trait that's just no. He's a good friend, I guess....

Santana. I love Santana. She is almost always a bitch, but she's hilarious. Like Quinn, she gets surprised when she finds out people don't like her, and that's just funny to me. Her lesbian story line, I don't like it. I think she and Britt had a good friendship, and they ruined it with love. She has an amazing voice, and she's ghetto. Who doesn't like ghetto? I wished she would do some Spanish songs in the future. If the actress can even sing in Spanish...

Britt. I say Britt is one of those characters who are meant to be funny, and actually are. A lot of shows try to have that "dumb blond" character, but overdo it to the point that it just doesn't work. Britt does work, however. Lover her one-liners. Don't care so much about her singing, but I do like her dancing.

Tina. I almost forgot Tina, and that in itself is the problem. She has 0 story, besides that her stutter back in Season 1. I didn't even know she was supposed to be goth until the Gaga episode where they made a big deal of it. And if you're saying "she's not  goth" then I rest my case. She's one of the Season 1 main characters who have been overshadowed by the newcomers like Sam and Blaine. Her relationship with Other-Asian is cute though. She needs more solos, too.

Mark. He is Asian. How many times have they made that clear on Glee? I don't get how he can't sing. It's Glee. Sing, or get out! But he's alright in general. No complaints other than his lack of relevance, as so many other characters.

Sam. At first, Sam was "meh" to me. Not very interesting, besides how they made him a loser when it came to girls. But then they made him poor. And that's when he became a favorite. The Beaber fiasco was horrible, but other than that, he's doing alright. I do hope they make him pair up with Mercedes. That would be cute. And I seriously cannot see what the big deal is with his lips/mouth. They look fine to me. I do wish he would've NOT forgiven Finn and Co. for the way they accused him of cheating so easily.

Blaine. I must say, very appealing. The only problem I have with him isn't really about him, but on how many schools are piled on that small town? There are like 10 already! Back to Blaine, he's nice, has an awesome voice, his dancing is hilarious, and he works that prep-school look. I would like them to make him singing better songs though. "Somewhere Only We Know" has been the only one that's really caught my attention. They better have Blaine transfer. He's too good to let go of XD

Will has a butt chin. But that's irrelevant. He has also become a fading character. Besides his scenes with Emma and Sue, there's not much to Will anymore. They need to do more teacher-stuff with him and the kids.

Emma has very big eyes. I love her. She's so naive and innocent. I hate how she barely comes out anymore, though. And she needs to sing a lot more. She needs to do a lot more more.

Sue. Who doesn't like Sue? She's both the best, comedic villain and can be the sweetest person. Sue also needs to sing more, but I understand why she doesn't, considering she want to bring down Glee Club. I do feel sorry for her. Nothing's been going right for her =( lol

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Goodbye Smallville DK

Yep. It's over. After 10 years, Smallville ends and may I say it was an acceptable ending, besides the fact that it was an ending :(

So, the episode(s) start off with Chloe reading a Superman comic to a little boy (obviously her son). Flashback 7 years earlier, we're in the present and some giant boiling planet-thing is heading towards Earth. Meanwhile, Clark and Lois are arguing about cancelling their wedding. Again, Lois feels that she will get in Clark's way and prevent him from saving someone in need if they get married, but Clark insists that she is a part of his future, and if she still wants to cancel the wedding, she'll have to stand him up.

Fortunately, Chloe manages to convince Lois to get married by having her read Clark's vows. Realizing the huge mistake she was about to commit, she leaves to get ready for her wedding. yay!

However, after meeting with his mom and visiting his dad's grave, Clark starts to believe that Lois may be right and that he should forget everything and everyone in order to become the hero he is meant to be. I never get how people come up with such ideas. And I thought it was funny how Martha came back with a WTF when she realized Clark sold their old home. Now, Clark thought that she had given him the deed to the house so that he could sell it and start a new life with Lois in Metropolis. But he was wrong. And she made that very clear. But in the end, she didn't have a choice. But she did try to advise Clark that he does not need to forget everything and everyone he had met in Smallville in order to fulfill his DESTINY! But Clark is just too stubborn sometimes to listen.

At the graveyard, he starts talking to his dad's grave, while Johnathon's "ghost" or whatnot talks back, but Clark can't see him. Oliver shows up to comfort Clark, but when has Oliver ever been able to convince anyone of anything? And concerning Oliver, he is now under the control of them bad people, but I guess he doesn't actually remember the things he does while under their control since he acts normally when talking to other people. It may be fake, but it doesn't look like it.

Anyways, Clark goes to find Lois, surprised to find that she has changed her mind and will now marry him as planned. Clark tries to tell Lois that she might have been right, but before he gets to, Lois has him read her vows since she read his, and during an awesome scene that includes rotation and a narrative of Lois' vows, Clark and Lois' wedding is officially back on. And I love how Lois had all these corrections on her vows.

Before I forget the one other relevant person, Tess is visited by that Creepy Old Lady (who is awesomely evil) who tells Tess that she wants to save her from the "Apokolips." Since everyone thought that the apocalypse was going to be some really bad event, it was surprising to discover that what everyone really meant was a planet called "Apokolips," which was the fiery planet heading towards the Earth. After finding out that Oliver had blocked Watchtower, Tess tries to warn Clark about the incoming planet, but she is stopped and abducted by Lionel's men. Lionel takes Tess to some lab and informs her that Lex had used the good parts of all the clones he made to fix himself up. However, Lex still needs a working heart, so of course Tess must be the donor. However, she manages to free herself, shooting Lionel in the chest. Good for her! The only person who killed that dude the first moment she had the chance. However, the Darkseid thing arrives, takes Lionel's heart (apparently to give it to Lex) and takes over Lionel's body.

Meanwhile, at the wedding. Beautiful scene with a beautiful song. Must find it! Anyways, because them bad people gave Oliver this Gold K wedding ring (which looks pretty obviously bad) to take Clark's powers away permanently, Chloe had to stop the wedding before Clark put on the ring. So, yeah, Lois and Clark did not get officially married. Clark and Oliver fight for a while, but after Clark tells Oliver that he believes in him and knows he will make the right choice, Oliver is freed from Darkseid's control. But they can't be happy for long, as Apokolips starts to block the sun and create this really cool eclipse-like sky.

At the Kent farm, Chloe decides to go to her office back where she now lives. Not sure why. I thought she was going to call in the other heroes for help or something, but she really doesn't do anything and doesn't appear again until the very end of the episode. Clark finally sees Johnathan's spirit and follows him to the barn, where he tells Clark that he and Martha have done everything they could do, so it was up to Jor-El to tell Clark what to do next. Martha appears to tell Clark that he is the miracle the world needs, so Clark leaves to do something. I thought he was going straight to Jor-El, but ends up trying to look for Tess first. By the way, Martha and Johnathan looked to epic in this scene. I don't know why, but they just did. Love them.

Clark actually ends up at the Daily Planet again with Lois. They are trying to look for Tess since they think she might know more about what's happening after finding her many messages. Before heading off to look for her, Clark and Lois kiss again. Lois tries to convince some random reporter lady to tell the President to stop his plan of firing nuclear bombs at the "asteroid" since it isn't an asteroid and the impact will wipe out 1/3 of the world's population. How does Lois know this? Raised as a military brat, she read between the lines of some radio broadcast from the government. Anyways, Lois knocks out this lady since she wouldn't listen and decides to go undercover, boarding some plane with important government people in it.

MEANWHILE, Clark ends up at the destroyed Luthor Mansion, where he finds DUN! Lex. I really liked this scene because Lex wasn't that evil. In fact, he actually encourages Clark, telling him that he is the light that is supposed to stop the Apokolips. Other than that, Lex also tells Clark that they will both become great men, only on different sides, and that their story has yet to be written. Clark apologizes to Lex for not being able to save him and leaves.

Tess finds Lex at the LuthorCorp office, where she confronts him, asking if he knew they were related. He admits that he did know all along (if you're confused, Tess had been working for Lex for many years now. After Lex disappeared, she became in charge of all of his things. Later, she found out that she was Lionel's daughter and Lex's sister, but by then, she was helping Clark). Tess confessed to Lex that all she ever wanted was redemption, but knew she couldn't have it. Lex calls her in for a hug and tells her he loves her. AWWW. And then he stabs her. AWWW. Before she dies, Lex tells her he is saving her from becoming like him. Tess, however, tells him that Clark already beat him to it, and smears some poison on his face that is supposed to wipe out Lex's entire memory. Tess dies (BOOO!) and we see a short rewind of Lex's memories being erased.

Oliver goes back to Watchtower, and after finding the three bad peoples, he simply shoots them with his arrows and they disappear. Now that was not good. Of that was all it took, why didn't they do it sooner? A more intense fight scene would have been better, but noooo. And where are the other heroes? Oh well.

Clark arrives at his barn again to find some crystal in order to talk to Jor-El. He is stopped by Darkseid (in Lionel's body) and after Darkseid throws Clark, Jor-El manages to talk to Clark at that exact moment. He shows Clark all of these images of his past "trials" (a really cool scene that shows a lot of Clark's past super moments). After that, Clark finds himself able to fly, and runs straight through Darkseid, apparently killing him. So, yeah, Clark finally flies.

Back to Lois, she tries to convince the government people that firing nuclear bombs at the planet will kill millions of people as well. However, they already know that, but the government being the government, they are willing to sacrifice 1/3 of the world in order to save 2/3 of it. Lois then tries to convince them to give the heroes a chance. They agree, but are only willing to wait 5 MINUTES!

Back to Clark, he finally reaches the Fortress, where Johnathan and Jor-El both tell him to never forget his time in Smallville. "Hold on to Smallville." Johnathan gives Clark the Superman suits, and as he flies away, we see that he has finally put it on. HOWEVER, it was obvious that Tom Welling was not wearing the suit, since the suit itself looked CGI, so they just put his head on the suit. LAME!

Anyways, Clark flies around, saves the plane Lois is on, and manages to push Apokolips out of the way and save the world. As Clark looks down on Earth from space, we return to Chloe and her son, who have just finished reading the comic book.

Chloe leaves the lil kid in bed, and receives a call from Lois, who thanks her for some blue ribbon. At the Daily Planet, Lois tries to talk to Perry White, now working at the Daily Planet, but is stopped by Jimmy Olsen (played by the same actor. If this confuses you, after the first Jimmy dies, we find out that he had a younger brother who was also named Jimmy. So this second Jimmy is actually the first Jimmy's brother, who will be the Jimmy from the Superman world.) We also learn that Lex has become President of the U.S., and the year is 2018. Later, Clark, looking and acting like the Clark from the movies/comics/whatever, bumps into Lois. He shows her the wedding rings (so they still haven't gotten married, but will). After Lois asks him if he's ready, he replies that he's been ready for 7 years. Some random guy shows up screaming that there's a bomb in some elevator, so Lois sends Clark off to save the day. The final scene shows Clark on the roof, changing into his Superman suit, and flies off.


Friday, May 13, 2011

ANTM - Photo Shoot (Molly, Hannah, Brittani)

Molly's Photos (yea, they picked two)
Brittani's Photos
And Hannah's Photos

Looking at these again, they all sucked....but Molly got the best clothes so that's not fair. Brittani's clothes were ugly >:0

America's Next Top Model - Goodbye Hannah

yes i watch this, too. goodbye.

Now, since both Jaclyn and Kasia left, I do not care who wins as long as it's not MOLLY! That betch is super mega ultra annoying, it's not even funny. People kept saying Alexandria was a bitch and fake and blah blah blah. I honestly did not see anything wrong with the poor girl besides the fact that she was controlling and anal (retentive). But Molly, she is just stupid. I do not like her face, I cannot for the life of me see what these crazy people see in her pictures, cuz I just see her with the same ol' constipated face and that is not attractive at all. And her personality is even more of a turn-off. She complains the EFF out of me. AND HER FACE!

Anyways, this episode, there's only three left: Brittni, Hannah, and the betch. I like Hannah, but I don't think she's model material. She's just too innocent looking. Brittni complains a lot, too. And cries. But she is better than Molly in both modeling and personality-wise (besides her tantrum that one time).

This time, the models had to do some interviews. Not sure why or what that has to do with modeling, but everyone basically did bad...EXCEPT EFFING MOLLY. OF COURSE! They had to go around the town and find someone who spoke English to interview about some random things. Brittni had trouble spoking (intentional) as did Hannah. Hannah even got cut off cuz of her constant umming. BUT MOLLY'S ONLY MISTAKE WAS WHINING ONCE SHE WAS "FINISHED!" But she still won the challenge, and that is bull.

The photo shoot dealt with a male model. Each model had to make up a narrative and shoot based on that story. Molly did horribly because she was ignoring the guy, but of course turned things around by showing off her disgusting face. Hannah was doing OK, better than Molly. And Brittni started crying, but that emotion worked in her favor. But of course, she got criticized for crying under pressure again.

In judging, Hannah was criticized for showing her foot badly (-__-) but Molly's foot was "fabulous." Brittni just got the whole crying thing. In the end, MOLLY GOT BEST PHOTO (-________-) and Hannah went home for inconsistency. So now it's up to Brittni to KICK THAT BETCHES ASS AND WIN, OR SO HELP ME!!!!

The Vampire Diaries - As I Lay Dying (Season Finale)

First, I'd like to start by saying, yes, I do watch the Vampire Diaries. It is 1 billion times better than anything Twilight can do and the characters actually have personalities. 

I found this finale to be stupid. The entire season was going too well for it to end on such a letdown. First of all, only a complete idiot would think that Damon was actually at risk of dying. So there was absolutely no suspense from that. He didn't do anything except sweat and hallucinate about the good ol' days. You would think he would go on a killing spree or something. But no. He was 50% of the time locked in some dungeon and the other 50% looking for Elena. 

So, how did he get saved? Stephan and Bonnie looked for a cure and vaguely discovered that Klaus (who had been saved from death by brother-Elijah and, in return, "killed" him) was connected to the cure. Of course. It wasn't until later when Stephan searched for Klaus that we find out that his blood can cure werewolf bites. Of course. Stephan had to trade himself (I guess he'll be a partner or something to Klaus; Klaus made him drink human blood and he turned all vampiry), in order to save Damon. Klaus let Katherine free, hoping she wouldn't deliver the cure to Damon. But she did. And this is where I found the biggest, most obvious mistake. 

In the laws of vampirism, a vamp cannot enter a house with an owner unless invited by said owner. Now that the Salvatore's gave their mansion to Elena and she became the owner, she decides which vampires can come in and which can't. I do not recall her inviting Katherine into the house, but somehow, she was able to walk into Damon and Elena kissing in bed. Stupid people.

Touching on that kiss, I do not care who Elena kisses. She probably thought he was gonna die, so why not make Damon happy for once? Katherine being Katherine did not give a crap, and simply informed the two that Stephan was Klaus' now (Klaus is homo for Stephan) but that at least they had each other. As she tells Elena that it's OK to love both Salvatore brothers since she did once, she disappears, probably not forever cuz Katherine is just makes the show more fun. On the last note on the whole Stephan thing, we last see him attack (kill?) some random girl, proving that he has transformed himself into a "real" vampire (but he may just be fooling Klaus). 

Besides this, Caroline's mommy, the Sheriff, is tracking down Damon and the other vampires, and accidentally shoots Jeremy. I was pissed for a while there, cuz after Caroline's blood failed to heal him, I was thinking that these bastards were planning on killing him off, too. As if Jenna wasn't enough. But, of course, Bonnie knew what to do (how she gained the complete knowledge of everything in such a short time is unknown to me) so she asked for the dead witches' help to save him. At first, them witches did not want to since Bonnie was "misusing her powers" or whatever, but after she confessed her love for Jeremy, they did. So he's alive and well. Good. Unfortunately, or maybe not, Jeremy is starting to see the ghosts of his past two dead girlfriends, Anna and Vicki. Does he have Ghost Whisperer-powers now that he has been brought back from the dead? Most likely, since that's bound to happen.

So that was it. Nothing really "WOW, I wonder what happens next," besides the whole Jeremy thing. I personally don't care what happens to Stephan cuz him staying evil is as likely as Damon dying. What I do want to see is Alaric adopting Elena and Jeremy, since Jenna being there last living relative, they have nowhere else to go. Which brings us to my next issue in this episode. Elena and Jeremy are basically orphans, yet they are living in their house like nothing and no one does anything about it. Don't Child Services have a job to do in this case? Was Jenna's death unreported? Anyways, it's clear that Alaric will become their new guardian (on a side note, we see Alaric sleeping on the couch when Jenna's old room is like right there, with a bed...Don't say it's an emotional factor cuz her funeral was as emotional as Kristen Stewart). Other than that, there was no Tyler or Matt. I don't care much for Matt, since he is irrelevant, but Tyler just came back after being absent for quite a while, and we get nothing again. Maybe next season.